Product Profile


ST150 Thermopile

Measuring the radiation of sunlight is critical to several applications, from solar power to scientific research.

The sun emits a spectrum of radiation that is both complex and vast. This spectrum is called the sun’s total broadband radiation, covering many wavelengths. It spans from ultraviolet to infrared and is crucial to various industrial and scientific applications. Solar detectors, particularly those with a keen sensitivity across this broad spectrum, play a pivotal role in capturing and quantifying this celestial energy.

In photonics, measuring the sun’s total broadband radiation is paramount. Solar detectors, through their ability to quantify and characterise solar radiation, enable the development and optimisation of photovoltaic cells, solar thermal systems, and various other technologies that leverage solar energy. Moreover, in scientific research, the precise measurement of solar radiation facilitates studies into solar phenomena, climate modelling, and developing technologies that aim to harness solar energy more efficiently and effectively.

LASER COMPONENTS is pleased to offer thermopile detectors which are an integral component for this application. This type of detector operates based on the Seebeck effect, wherein a temperature difference between two dissimilar conductors or semiconductors produces a voltage difference. In the context of measuring solar radiation, thermopile detectors are adept at converting thermal radiation into an electrical signal, providing a quantifiable metric that can be analysed. The spectral response of these devices is near-linear from UV to NIR.

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