Press Releases


Start Codon Invites Life Sciences Leaders, Founders and Investors to Innovation Showcase 2023

• Hybrid event is taking place 10 October, in Cambridge, UK
• Programme features presentations from five disruptive portfolio companies and networking opportunities with Start Codon’s extended portfolio
• Registration for Innovation Showcase 2023 now available online

26 September 2023 -- Cambridge, UK -- Start Codon, a life science and healthcare venture-building fund, is pleased to invite life sciences leaders, entrepreneurs and investors from across the life science and biotech industries to attend their Innovation Showcase 2023. The event takes place at Babraham Research Campus on the afternoon of 10 October. Those interested in attending can sign up to join virtually, or follow the instructions on the virtual event page to request an in-person place.

Following previous years’ success, the hybrid event will include five Start Codon portfolio company presentations with Q&A, plus the opportunity to network for those joining in person. The companies presenting are working across drug discovery, cell therapy, vaccine development and digital health:

ArkVax, a London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) spin-out, leveraging glycoengineering to develop next-gen vaccines for animal and humans.
Ephyra, a National University of Singapore spin-out, pioneering the development of RNA-based molecular sponges to enable cellular health restoration.
Proxximos, a founder-generated, IP-protected company that has developed a proprietary wearable solution that uses machine learning to identify, track, and prevent hospital-acquired infections.
RevoNA, a University of Portsmouth spin-out, with a novel, patented discovery platform that enables in silico RNA drug discovery affordably at scale.
Stembond Technologies, a spin out from the University of Cambridge, leveraging advanced materials science to enhance the human immune system.

Dr Jason Mellad, co-founder and CEO at Start Codon, said: “Our Innovation Showcase 2023 is a fantastic opportunity to spotlight the ground-breaking work of some of our amazing portfolio companies. It’s also a great way to bring together investors, founders, industry leaders and other partners to help grow our community and foster collaboration across the ecosystem.”

Start Codon extends thanks to the event’s Enhancer sponsors: Babraham Research Campus, Venner Shipley, PitchWork, and Northreach.


About Start Codon
Start Codon is a venture-building fund that discovers, nurtures and advances next-generation, data-driven healthcare and life science companies. Located in Cambridge, UK, the team works with companies across the UK, supporting entrepreneurs and early-stage spin-outs to develop and commercialise their innovations. Start Codon was founded to help high-potential companies thrive, and has amassed a portfolio of 24 companies since the first investment in April 2020. The support provided by Start Codon includes access to a hands-on experienced team, industry leading mentors, and an extensive network of investors, pharma and biotech partners and collaborators.